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>> This one-band 2E26 rig overcomes the objections to
the appearance and hazards of usual mobile rigs.

The Ash-Tray Mobile



Having all my life wanted a mobile rig in the family car, I finally timidly approached the XYL, and proposed installing one of the popular manufactured transmitters under the dash of 1955 Chevrolet station wagon. The reply wasnot entirely unexpected and went something like this: "I will not stand forthatpile of junk hanging all over the car for me to snag my stocking on, and for the children to fall against and hurt themselves. Besides, it looks messy and friends each time we meet in our car." This edict did not discourage me, however. I still persisted that there must be some way to pleasemy XYL and still have my mobile. A survey showed thath most of the manufactured units were much too large to be mounted inconspicously under or behind the dash. However, withdrawal of the ash receiver revealed a very convenient space, approximately 2 by 5 by 9 inch, into which it seemed probable that

From QST, February, 1956.

a single-band transmitter might be build. The finished product is shown in the photographs. Although the ash receivers in cars of othe rmakes and models will vary in shape, almost all of them will yield approximately equivalent space in on form or another. Since the cigarette lighter wasn't much good without the as tray, I removed it also and replaced it with a microphone connector.

R.F. Circuit

The r.f. circuit is shown in fig. 1. A 6AQ5 in a simple tetrode crystal oscillator drives a 2E26 amplifier. The output circuit of the oscillator is tuned by adjusment of the iron slug in L1. The adjusting screw is brought out through the panel so that it can be reached conveniently when changing crystals. The 2E26 was chosen because it best fitted the limitations of Mark II dynamotor which I had picked up. A control for the final thank capacitor was

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