Shockmounting kit
516F-2 AC Power Supply MP-1 DC Power Supply PM-2 AC Power Supply 516E-2 DC Power Supply 302C-3 Directional 440E-1 Cable SM-3 Microphone MM-1 Microphone MM-2 Microphone DL-1 Dummy Load CC-2 Carryillg Case CC-3 Carrying Case 637T-2 Antenna 399B-5 Crystal 0scillator |
Provides Isolators tor shockmounting one KWM-2 or KWM-2A
Ac power supply for fixed station operation (115 volts ac). Mobile power supply tor 12- to 14-volt source Portable poxver supl)ly (115 or 230 volts ac). Mobile power supply tor 24- to 28-volt source. Measure forward and reflected power Mobile power connections when 3511)-2 is not used. SM-1 and SM-2 Microphones may be used but are no longer available from the manufacturer. Slender gray and chrome desk top unit that blends with KWM-2/2A. Frequency response of 250 to 3500 Hz output level of - 50 dB,Equipped with 5-foot length of koiled Kord and a push-to-talk switch mounted on the friction swivel. Friction swivel permits 80º swing of microphone. Pressure-operated dynamic microphone for mobile use. Equipped with mounting kit and 5-foot length of Koiled Kord. Frequency response from 200 to 10.000 Hz with output level of -48 dB. High-lmpedance resistance microphone and single earphone for fixed or mobile operntion. Frequency response from 100 to 7000 Hz output level -50 dB 100-watt resistor load with switching capabilities allowing for remote (from the operating position) or front panel operation. Carrying casc to carry the KWM-2/2A plus PM-2, the KWM-2/2A alone the 30L-1, 51S-1 or 62S-1 Carrying case for accessory components, Accomodates a 312B-5 (or 312B-4) Station Control Console a 516E-2 (or MP-1) Power Supply and a TD-1 Dipole Antenna as well as a 90-day supply of spare tubes and fuses. Dipole antenna designed for use when portability and operation on different frequencies are primary considerations, Crystal controlled oscillator that is use for frequency control. In place of the vfo in the transmit function. |
522-1170-00 522-2750-00 522-2639-004 522-0984-005 522-1696-00 522-2051 -00 099-3288-00 097-5945-00 097-6027-00 522-2771-000 597-0393-000 597-0403-000 772-5477-002 522-1781-000 |