The primary circuits in the MP-1 arc connected for proper ground polarity. Correct connections for either positive or negative ground systems are shown in figure 1-4.
The 140E-I Power Cable may be used to connect the power supply to the transceiver when the 351D-2 is not used. Refer to table 5-2 for ordering information.
d. If operation is to be in boat or plane having a 115-volt, 400-Hz power supply, use 516F-2 DC power Supply with C1 (0.05 UF) removed from across L1 in the filter circuit. If operation is to be in a boat or plane having a 24-volt dc power source, use a 516E-2 DC Power Supply with a 440-E=-1 cable to connect it to the transceiver. ‘ The 516F-2 can also be used with the 24-volt dc power source by using a dc-to-400-Hz converter capable Of handling at least a 475-watt load (C1 should be removed from across L1 in the 5I6F-2 when using 400-Hz power for its operation ).
e. No mobile speaker is supplied. If desired, the speaker leads may bc connected in parallel with the car radio voice coil terminals. If the car radio has a transistor output stage, connect the terminals of the car speaker as shown in figure 1-4. Break voice coil lead, and install a switch for transfer Of speaker from car radio to KWM-2/2A. If installation is in boat or plane, use any good 4-ohm speaker and mount as desired.
For suppression of noise encountered in mobile operation, the following suggestions may be helpful
Use resistor-type spark plugs.
Install coaxial bypass capacitors al ignition coil, generator, and voltage-regulator leads Use bracket-mounted coaxial Capacitors in the battery and generator leads to the voltage regulator and a 0.005- UF! (or smaller) disc
ceramic or mica capacitor from the field lead to ground. DO N()T use larger than 0.005 uF capacitor here unless a 4-ohm resistor is placed in series with it.
If capacitor bypasses are not satisfactory, remove them, and usc chokes in series with the leads from field and armature terminals of generator. place these chokes as close to the voltage regulator as possible.
For the field lead choke. wind 12 turns of #18 wire on a 1/4-inch diameter powdered-iron core. For the armature lead, wind 12 turns of #14 or larger wire on 1/4-inch diameter powdered-iron core.
Ground the rear end of the exhaust pipe ,to the car body with copper braid, using a radiator hose clamp to secure the braid to the tailpipe. General information concerning noise suppression is available in current handbooks.
1.3 INITIAL CHECKS (Refer to figure 2-1.)
Set MIC GAIN control (4) full counter clockwise, until the switch clicks. Set OFF-ON-NB-CAI, switch (1) to ON. Set meter switch (8) to PLATE and EMISSION switch (2) to LOCK. The transceiver is in receive condition during warm up, so the meter will read full scale until filaments have come to temperature. This is normal S-meter action. When the S-meter falls hack to zero, the circuits will have switched to transmit condition, and the meter will indicate PA plate current. Read the no-signal PA plate current. It should be approximately 40 mA. If plate current is other than 40 mA, adjust BIAS ADJUS’I’ potentiometer on the power supply to set plate current to 40 mA. If the transceiver is to be used with A linear amplifier, set bias to produce 50-mA idling plate current.