Radio Receivers BC-348-J, BC-348-N and BC-348-Q are essentially alike. Therefore, reference will be made throughout the book to these reccivers as follovws: Radio Receiver BC-348-(*). However, all photographs and diagrams will be labeled for the “J” equipment,-since it applies equally well to the other two models. Reference to the dynamotors is mcntioned in the same mannert The. asterisk indicates that these units are mentioned collectively. |
Radio Receivers BC-348-), BC-348-N and BC-348-Q are locally controlled, eight-tube, six-band superheterodyne receivers for use in U. S. Army aircraft. They cover a frequency range of from 200 to 500 kc and 1.5 to 18.0 megacycles. These reccivers are designed for operation on a 28-volt power supply. Their power consumption is 60 watts sith no power supplied through the output plug to external evquipment. All controls are located on the front panel where they may be easily operated by aircraft personnel. Antenna, ,ground and headphone connections are made on the front panel. Power and interphone connections are made through a connector plug at the back of the receiver. Each receiver is capable of voice, tone and c-w reception. Either manual or- automatic volume control may be selected by a switch on the front panel; likewise normal or extreme selectivity is provided by means of an i-f crystal filter that may be switched in or out of the circuit as desired. A beat frequency oscillator is employcd for c-w reception. The reccivers are not intended for remote control and no provision has been made for this operation.
Description | Size in Inches | Weight in Pounds |
| 18 x 101/2 / x 91/2 high | |
| 18x 81/2 1 13/8 high | |
| 15/8x21/8x27/8 high 2x21/8x3 high | .375 |
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